Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Really Living

Deuteronomy 6:1-12

Help me to listen to you.
Help me to love you.
Help me to overflow with you.
Inhabit my hands and my eyes.
Inhabit my home and my speaking
May I never forget you in the blessings you provide.
Instead turn my self-love into God love.

Wednesday, 8 January 2025

This is my Beloved Son - listen to him

Mark 9v2-10

Our Heavenly Father
Your love for us is steadfast
You have given us your Beloved Son
Enable us to hear him
To trust what he says
To listen to him
To do what he calls us to do

Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Psalm 98 - God Came Down

Our loving heavenly Father
You are a God who has done marvelous things
You have worked salvation
You have made salvation known and we have seen it
You have remembered your love and faithfulness
We praise you
We sing of you
We shout about you
We sing for joy
Because you are king and judge
You will make all things right

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Christmas Blessing (Isaiah 9:2,6)

May the light of Jesus forever shine on you.
May the rule of Jesus bring you comfort in chaos.
May the advocacy of Jesus mediate for you.
May the deity of Jesus astonish you.
May the commitment of the Father bring you comfort in the dark night.
And may the peace of Christ be your peace.
As you embrace the never ending kingdom of justice and righteousness.

 A Christmas Prayer (based on Luke 1 and 2)
Our Father in heaven,
As we contemplate the words of the angel Gabriel,
We thank you that you gave us the child who would save us.
We thank you that Jesus is your Son - the Son of the most high.
We that you that he is the one to whom you have given the throne of David.
We thank you that he reigns over the house of David and that his kingdom will never end!
Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men on whom his favour rests
We thank you that your mercy extends towards those that fear you.
We thank you that you have performed mighty deeds, scattering the proud.
We thank you that you have brought down rulers and lifted up the humble.
We thank you that you have filled the hungry with good things and sent the rich away empty handed.
We thank you that you have remembered to be merciful to your servant Israel, even as you promised to our fathers
Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men on whom his favour rests
We thank you that you have raised up for us a strong saviour, one to rescue us from our enemies.
We thank you that you have shown mercy to our fathers and that you have remembered your covenant to us.
We ask that you would forgive us for not serving you, for not fearing you, for not being committed to holiness and righteousness all our days.
Lord in your mercy hear our prayer
Christ in your mercy hear our prayer
Lord in your mercy hear our prayer
Finally Father,
We thank you that your Son came into the world so that we might receive the forgiveness of sins because of your tender mercy.
Thank you for shining on those who live in darkness.
Thank you for rescuing us from the shadow of death.
Thank you for guiding our feet in the path of peace.
We pray these things through our Immanuel, Jesus Christ, God with us

Friday, 29 November 2024

Luke 10:38-42 - The One Thing Necessary

Father give us ears to hear your words,
And hearts that desire to listen.
Give us wills that seek to obey,
That we may live for your glory alone.

Wednesday, 27 November 2024

Psalm 72

Our Father,
O give us a king who will judge with righteousness and justice.
May he defend the poor and the needy.
May he crush the oppressor.
May he redeem his people.
May he be a blessing like soft rain.
May he enable the righteous to flourish.
May make peace to abound.
May he rule over all the world.
May his name endure forever and his fame be eternal.
And may blessing abound to all peoples through him.
Our Father,
You have given us a king that did not elevate himself but has instead come down.
He did not grasp at equality with you.
He made himself nothing.
He took on the form of a slave.
He submitted himself to death.
Even death on a cross.
He is our king.
We worship him!