Friday 26 April 2024

The Conversion of Lydia 

Acts 16:6-26

Father open our ears and our hearts.

Like Lydia may we pay attention to the apostolic word.

May we be baptised trusting your word to us.

May our lives be filled with fruit.

May we desire to see others saved.

May we not shun suffering.

But instead embrace it

As we overflow with kindness and grace.

Taking what comes our way.

For your glory alone.


Monday 11 March 2024


Prayer when I just don't want to: Nehemiah 13

Father Almighty

We long that our hearts might be changed

That our wills might desire you

That our thoughts might be pure

That our actions be godly.

O change us we pray!

Thank you that Christ did not come to change the externals alone but also to change our hearts.

Holy Spirit accelerate your work in us that we might truly love you even as we long for that day of culmination.


Thursday 7 March 2024


John 18:33-19:16

Our Father,

We have crucified the king;

But we do not feel the weight of our offence.

We have not recognised his majesty.

We have not expected his return.

Father have mercy on us.

Christ have mercy on us.

Spirit have mercy on us.

We declare that Jesus is our king.

May he be truth to us.

Take our thoughts captive under your rule.

May our speech be seasoned by his authority.

May our hearts be submissive to him alone.



Thursday 15 February 2024

Nehemiah 11,12

Father we thank you that though we don’t see it, you are inexorably moving history towards the fulfilment of your promises.

We look forward to the day of complete fulfilment when your people will stand before you as your sons and daughters.

We look forward to the day when the first heaven and the first earth will be distant memories and chaos will be removed.

We look forward to the day when we will dwell with you as your people; to the day when you will be our God totally and completely not partially and superficially as we are so often guilty of today.

We long for that day when you will wipe our tears; and when death and pain will be no more.

May we live straining forward, longing for that day, full of mercy, sharing Christ.

We say with all of creation, “Come Lord Jesus come!”
