Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Philippians 2:5-11
Christmas Blessing

And now may the majestic king,
the omnipotent God,
and the humble slave,
be the object of your worship this Christmas.
May you grow in your appreciation of his greatness.
May you bow in honour of his majesty.

May his Son be the hope of your heart.
May your values and affections become increasingly Christlike,
May you overflow in gratitude for his mercy,
And may you trust his goodness more.

May his Spirit bless you with the knowledge of his presence and his transforming power.

And may you love the God of Christmas more.

Looking onwards to the day when we will stand before him - our great God, born into our world as a slave that first Christmas day.

Merry Christmas everyone!
Philippians 2:5-11

Almighty Father, at this Christmas time we remember that you are
The majestic king,
The omnipotent God,
And the humble slave.
Your Son made himself nothing,
took into his infinity, our humanity,
and died in our place.

our impudence,
our independence,
our arrogance,
our ignorance,
and our willful neglect of you.

Grow in us an appreciation of your greatness.
Grow our gratitude for your mercy.
Grow our trust in your goodness.
Grow our hope in your plan.
Grow our worship of your person.
And grow our love for you.

We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, the one before whom every knee will bow and every tongue confess, our great God, born into our world as a slave that first Christmas day.
