Friday, 28 July 2017

The Glorious Gospel

Father God,
You promised,
Through the prophets,
In the scriptures,
Your Son.
Descended from David,
Raised from the dead,
Jesus Christ our Lord.
He is,
For all people,
By faith.
And we belong to him.

Thank you. 

Romans 1:1-7

Wednesday, 5 July 2017


Father of grace,
Our debt to you is unrepayable,
Yet you have willed to forgive us.
You have paid the price,
You have carried the cost,
You have chosen grace,
And you have taken us back.
May forgiveness seize our hearts,
And inhabit our world.
Start with us,
In our thoughts,
In our marriages,
At work,
In the traffic,
In our church,
And from our mouths.
For your glory alone.
