Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Hope is Born #2 - Matthew 1:18-25

You promised!
You said it would happen!
A teenager would become pregnant.
She wouldn’t abort.
She would carry him despite the shame and the sniggers.  
And he would be born.
Simply, ugly and poor. 
She would call him ‘saviour’.
And she would call him ‘God with us’.
Because that day,
You came!
You kept your promise!
You did what you said you would do.
You came to be with us.
And to save us.
You have promised that you are coming again!
You said it would happen!
And today we are looking and we are longing and we are waiting…for you to keep your promise again…
Come King Jesus come!

Thursday, 6 December 2018

Pray in the Spirit - Ephesians 6:18-20

Father may we pray in the Spirit on all occasions.
May our lives be characterised by all kinds of prayers and requests.
May we always keep on praying as we live for you and not for ourselves.
Keep us alert.
Keep us praying for all the saints.
Keep the saints declaring the gospel fearlessly.
And empower us to declare it to ourselves and to the world.

Thursday, 29 November 2018

Fullness Ephesians 5:15-20

Father of fullness,
Make us careful in how we live.
Make us wise not foolish,
Redeeming the time,
Recognising that the days are evil.
May we know your will,
Be filled with the Holy Spirit,
May your word overflow from our hearts into our mouths and our lives.
May we sing of your greatness and your salvation.
Filled with gratitude for everything,
In the name of your Son Jesus Christ our Lord.

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Hope is Born - Christmas 2018 - 1 Peter 1:3-9

Father of Jesus,
You deserve our praise,
You have showered us with mercy,
Injected life into our dead souls,
Given us a sure and living hope,
Through the cosmic act of the resurrection of your Son.
Now our inheritance is sure,
We are shielded by your power,
And we are filled with joy.
Though now we suffer,
We are being refined,
Proven genuine;
So that you will be praised, honoured and glorified when Jesus is revealed.
You have filled us with joy,
For we are receiving the goal of our faith the salvation of our souls.

Thursday, 15 November 2018

The Rest Bringing Priest King Zechariah 6:1-15

Father your purposes are accomplished in all the earth
You have accomplished rest
  By the living branch,
  The temple builder,
  The throne sitter,
  The honour bearer,
  The peace bringer,
  The priest king.
It shall be for all the earth
Make us to hear and to diligently obey the voice of the Lord our God as we embrace your rest.

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Evil Removed - Hallelujah. Zechariah 5:1-11

Thank you that evil will be banished.
Thank you that my evil has been banished.
And now as we wait for the day when evil is banished forever and we dwell with you again, may we be a people earnest and urgent in our pursuit of holiness.

Friday, 2 November 2018

Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit Zechariah 4:1-14

Lord of Hosts
You build,
  Not by might
  Nor by power
  But by your Spirit.
Unseen, quietly, humbly.
You level the obstacles and lay the capstone.
You do not despise the day of small things.
You will complete your kingdom.
You will keep your promises.
And we will rejoice.
Build your kingdom here.
May we be the light you have called us to be.
For your glory alone

Friday, 12 October 2018

God with us - Zechariah 2:1-13

Jerusalem is protected by your presence.
You will be the glory in her midst.
May we flee to her with abandon,
Live in her with joy,
Discard Babylon and her treasures.

Many nations will be joined to Israel,
We will become your people,
You will dwell with us,
You will be our portion,
Surrounded by your wall of fire,  
And we shall be your inheritance.

Come, Lord Jesus, Come.

Thursday, 4 October 2018

Surprising Victory - Zechariah 1:7-21

Our world is at rest,
Content in our pride,
Assured in our confidence that you will not act.
But you have promised that you are a jealous for your people,
Angry at our disregard for you,
That you will comfort Zion and choose Jerusalem,
And you will destroy the power of nations by humble craftsmen.
Hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done.
We pray for that day, when your kingdom is built.
We pray for our faithfulness in the task.
We pray for our love and light as we labour for your kingdom.
For Christ sake

Friday, 28 September 2018

A Listening Return - Zechariah 1:1-6

Father of words;
You have been angry with our ancestors
Because they have not listened.
You have called us to return.
You have promised to return to us.
Give us ears that listen,
And wills that are attentive.
Give us repentance we pray;
Hearts turned towards your words.

Friday, 21 September 2018

Jesus Christ and him Crucified - 1 Corinthians 2:2

Father of Jesus,
We commit to your son,
To his deity, his humanity and his Lordship over us.
We declare he is the anointed, Messiah king,
Promised by the prophets,
Ruler of heaven and earth.
We submit ourselves to him.
We desire to love him.
We embrace his crucifixion.
We declare he died for us,
It was our sin that placed him on the cross.
That cross is our beacon of hope,
   Our lighthouse for direction,
   Our only hope of mercy,
   Our confidence in our brokenness,
   The goal for our hearts,
And the rule for our lives.
May we bear it,
   Live it,
   Love it,
   Proclaim it,
   Be moulded by it,
And trust the one who died on it.

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Thinking God's thoughts - Luke 11:1-13 - Lord’s Prayer #2

Father, change our hearts.
Change the direction of our thoughts.
Change our desires, our wishes and our dreams.
Fill us with your desires, promises and activity.
Change the direction of our lives.
Make us Godward not inward,
Outward not self-focused.
Redeem our motives,
Sanctify our prayers.
Redirect our activity.
Hallow your name.
Bring your kingdom.
And may your purposes prevail.
For your glory alone.

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

We Dare to call him Father Luke 11:1-13 The Lord’s Prayer #1

Our Father, you are good!
You will not give us a snake when we ask for a fish;
Nor a scorpion when we ask for an egg.
Give us your Holy Spirit.
Our Father in heaven, you are great!
The heavens are enclosed by your hand;
The oceans are a drop in a bucket.
You have made all things well,
And you have made all things great to show us a glimpse of your greatness.
May we know you and so have confidence in your ability to grant what we ask.
For your glory alone   

Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Standing Firm - Ephesians 6:10-20

Father, I am
And overconfident in my ability to stand firm.
There have been many times when you have
Kept me in my stupidity;
Saved me from my lusts;
Snatched me from my apostasy;
Strengthened me in my cowardice;
And reminded me in my unbelief.
Keep me from forgetting the truth.
May the gospel
Strengthen my resolve;
Smother my unrighteousness;
Soften my doubts;
And enable me to stand firm.
May your word inhabit my heart,
And may prayer be my constant practice.
For your glory alone.

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Amandla - Ephesians 5:21-6:9

Father, you are a God who submits and serves.
May submission be my heart’s cry; and the desire for power be my enemy.
May I trust myself to others; may my honour not be my concern.
May I seek to serve rather than seek to rule.
May I give rather than take.
May I elevate others and humble myself.
May my status as loved and cherished by you define my identity rather than the alienation and anger of the world.
As we belong, united to each other; may we hold fast, united together.
May our obedience lead to blessing.
May service and sincerity be our goals.
As we become Christlike in all we do

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Ephesians 4:17-5:20 - The Strategy for Sin

Our futile minds seek to be like everyone else;
We were darkened, alienated, ignorant, hard-hearted, callous, greedy and impure.
But we have learned Christ!
May we put off our corrupt and deceitful desires.
May we be renewed in our minds putting on the new self, to be righteous and holy like you.
May we not grieve the Spirit but instead be filled by the Spirit as we replace
Lies with truth;
Anger with peace;
Theft with generosity;
Evil talk with encouragement;
Malice with kindness;
Anger with forgiveness;
Impurity with gratitude;
Darkness with light;
Foolishness with wisdom;
Drunkenness with praise.
And domination with submission.

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Ephesians 4:1-16 - God’s Good Gifts

Father, may we live worthy of our calling.
United, humble, gentle, patient, filled with love.
May we be united in purpose,
United in worship,
United in trust,
As we unite in our devotion to you.
Thank you for giving us Word ministers;
And making us a part of your body.
May your people embrace ministry and service,
Build each other up,
Fight for unity,
Strive for knowledge,
Aim for maturity,
Speak the truth in love,
As we live for your glory alone.

Thursday, 28 June 2018

Lived In and Loved Up

Our Father
We pray that your Spirit would empower us.
We pray that your Son would indwell us.
We pray that we might be rooted and cemented in love.
We pray that we might comprehend your love.
We pray that we might be filled up to the fullness of God.
We commit ourselves to you, knowing that you can change us more than we can ever ask or imagine.
To you be the glory for ever and ever.

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Amazing God, Amazing Plan

You have included the gentiles;
Made us fellow heirs;
Members of and sharers in the promises of Christ Jesus.
You have shown us your wisdom and plan in the church,
According to your eternal purposes in Christ Jesus.
May we not lose heart over our suffering, the suffering of the church, and the suffering of your heralds.
May we believe in the church, love the church and live for your bride.
Ever thankful of your mercy to us in Christ

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Father's Day Prayer

Our loving heavenly father
You model real fatherhood
By your leadership,
Your service,
Your love,
Your commitment to truth,
Your holiness,
Your grace,
Your commitment,
Your suffering,
And your forgiveness.

We pray for the men of our world
To embrace fatherhood,
To grow in its challenges,
To be worth emulating,
Men, who live God-fearing lives.

May Christ be their all,
May God be their direction,
May grace be their example,
May loyalty be their medal,
And holiness shine from their words,
May they serve, and love, and lead as does Christ our Lord for us,
Dying to themselves that others may truly live.

Included - Ephesians 2:11-22

Father of peace,
You have created reconciliation,
And given us access.
You have broken the dividing wall of hostility,
You have abolished the law and commandments;
So that we who were
Uncircumcised, separated, alienated, strangers, without hope and without God,
Might be reconciled,
Given access,
Made citizens,
And members of your household.
Built into the growing structure,
To be your dwelling place,
By the blood of Christ.
We worship you for our inclusion.

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

God made us alive - Ephesians 2:1-10

We were dead, 
Locked in sin,
Following Satan,
Captured by our passions,
Prisoner to our desires,
Objects of wrath.
But God
Rich in mercy,
Driven by love,
Made us alive.
Together with Christ,
Raised us up,
Seated us in honour,
Saved us by grace,
As a gift,
Gained by faith.

Friday, 1 June 2018

That you may know - Ephesians 1:15-23

Father you are uniting all things in Christ,
You give to us faith in Jesus,
And love for the saints.
Give us your Spirit,
Give us wisdom,
Give us revelation/light,
That we may know you!
Open our eyes,
Open our hearts,
To know the hope to which you have called us,
The riches of your glorious inheritance,
And the greatness of your power for us;
Shown in the resurrection, ascension, exaltation and rule of Jesus.

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

God at Work - Ephesians 1:3-14

Our God and Father
You have blessed us,
Chosen us,
Predestined us for adoption.
You have redeemed us,
And forgiven us,
Lavished your grace on us,
And united us with Christ.
You have granted us an eternal inheritance,
And sealed us with your Holy Spirit
To the praise of your glory…

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

In Christ - Ephesians 1:1,2

Father, you willed to raise apostles,
You called them to speak of Christ Jesus.
You created a church of saints,
You gave us faith,
And you brought us in to Christ Jesus.
Thank you for grace,
Thank you for peace,
Thank you for the Lord Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Life in Groups - Racism

Father forgive me that I have not seen your image in people;
That my fear of others has conquered my love.
Forgive me that I have not seen the blood of your son shed for all people;
But have instead thought your death was for me alone.
Forgive me that I have not seen the images of heaven;
Of a people gathered around your throne from every tribe, language and nation.

Transform my heart to be like your heart;
And my eyes to see what you see;
And my life to be as your death;
That I may love all people;
As you love us.

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Life with Money - Materialism

Our hearts want more.
Our lives are full of our possessions,
They consume our money;
Our time;
Our thoughts;
And our dreams.
We are fearful that they will be removed;
Fearful that you will not supply;
Fearful of want;
When we should be fearful of missing you;
And fearful of eternity.
Transform our thinking.
Make us to question our assumptions.
And repent of our inner values.
Grow our generosity.
Stretch our gratitude.
Simplify our lives.
Give us financial modesty.
And fill us with contentment.
For your glory alone

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Double Think

Forgive me that I compartmentalise my life.
That there are areas where I will let you in and there are areas that I shut you out.
Show me more areas where I haven’t let you in. Open up all of my heart to you.
Make my love for you complete.
Turn my wayward heart totally towards you.
Give me total dedication.
Total submission.
Total joy in being loved by you.
Total peace in your grace to me.
A single minded heart solely devoted to you.

Thursday, 12 April 2018


You are in perfect relationship,
The Trinity of service,
The unity of love.
Forgive us that this community is shattered,
In our hearts,
And our actions.
We live lives fueled by our own desires,
Striving for our own wants,
Lonely and afraid.
Turn our hearts outwards towards others,
And upwards towards you.

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Easter - Resurrection - John 20

Thank you that it is true.
And that it changes everything forever.
Thank you that we can live by believing that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God.
Please may today be the watershed moment where the cross and resurrection become embedded in our souls; 
And our hearts turned from fence-sitting mediocrity to radical love for you.

Monday, 26 March 2018

Easter - John 19:23-42

The eternal dies;
The omnipotent is emptied;
The omnipresent is no more;
The omniscient is unknowing;
The immortal dies;
For us!

Easter - John 18:28-19:22

Our Father,
I have crucified the king;
But I do not feel the weight of my offence.
I have not recognised his majesty.
I have not expected his return.
Father have mercy on me.
Christ have mercy on me.
Spirit have mercy on me.
I declare that Jesus is king.
May that be truth to me; not meaningless words.
Take my thoughts captive under your rule.
May my speech be seasoned by his authority.
May my heart be submissive to him alone.
And may my actions sing of my crucified king.

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Deuteronomy 11:1-32

May we consider your discipline.
May we remember your greatness, your mighty hand and your outstretched arm.
May we marvel in your deeds of salvation and your deeds of severity.
May we keep your commandments and in so doing experience your strength and your blessing.
Keep us from being deceived and turning aside to other gods.
May we lay up your words in our hearts that our days may be long.
May we be careful to do your commands, 
   Loving you,
   Walking in your ways,
   And holding fast to you;
As we experience your blessing.

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Deuteronomy 10:12-11:1 and Revelation 3:14-22

The Fence Sitter's Prayer
Father it is true,
I am neither hot nor cold.
My heart is tepid;
Positively disposed to you;
Even a little in love with you;
But reticent to sacrifice;
Cautious to trust;
Slow to remember;
And unwilling to commit.
I am wretched, pitiful, poor, naked and blind.
Cover my nakedness;
Refine my heart;
Open my eyes;
Wash me clean;
Rebuke me;
Discipline me;
And rescue me.
I repent and I open the door for you to come in!

Friday, 9 March 2018

Deuteronomy 9:1-10:11

Father, it is easy to forget that we are wicked, stubborn, rebellious and corrupt. 
We have provoked you, turned aside quickly and done what is evil.
We have not believed and we have not obeyed;
Instead we have constructed an idol to satisfy our hearts.
We have become proud and self-sufficient,
When we are made to be dependent, loved, righteous, upright 
and in covenant relationship with you. 
Keep us remembering who we are.
Dependent on your mediation.
Humble and close to you;
Our Saviour and our Lord.

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Deuteronomy 8:1-20

Father of blessings,
Give us the blessing of memory,
And wills of obedience.

Make us humble.
May we pass the test of adversity with hope.
May we dwell in your Word and fearfully walk in your ways.
May we pass the test of blessing with gratitude, never forgetting you.

Keep us from forgetful pride.
Keep us radically obedient.
Keep us following every command,

Always seeing your hand in our blessing,
And your faithfulness to your promises.

Friday, 16 February 2018

Deuteronomy 7:1-26

My heart is restless;
Quick to drift;
Slow to remember;
Radically committed to my own agenda;
Utterly self-seeking!
Keep my heart;
Change my heart;
Retrain my heart.
Give me an earnestness of commitment;
A wariness of people and things that will entice me away from you.
Burn in my soul that I am holy, chosen and treasured; loved, blessed and redeemed.
Remind me that you are a God who is faithful and steadfast;
Who keeps his promises
And destroys those that hate you.
Thank you for the promise of your presence in the midst of my fears and trials.
Be with me today and always.

Friday, 9 February 2018

Deuteronomy 6:1-25

May I love you.
May I teach of you and talk of you.
May you inhabit my hands and my eyes.
May my home be full of you.
May I never forget you in the blessings you provide.
Make me to fear you and serve you.
Take away the gods of my heart.
May I not test you but instead listen to you.
And may I remember your salvation,
Won at great cost.


Thursday, 1 February 2018

Deuteronomy 5:22-33

Father, you have spoken a word of life,
   A word of light,
   A word of hope,
   In the person of your Son.
Help me to listen.
Give me a heart of flesh,
  And a will that submits.
Give me ears that heed,
  And eyes that see.
May my life hang on your very word,
  And my soul long for your voice,
As I love Jesus more.

Thursday, 25 January 2018

Deuteronomy 5:6-22

Our Father you have rescued us from our slavery.
You have rescued us to be your loved people.
May our hearts be exclusively devoted to you.
May our lives be centred on loving you.
May we rest in you and remember you.
May we love others, seeking their best.
May our selfish desires be turned into sacrificial love.
As we taste the sweetness of being loved by you!
