Our Father
You are a God whose son dies that we might
A God who gives that we might get;
Who serves that we might be saved;
Who speaks that we might know you;
Who empties himself that we might be filled;
Who suffers that we might escape pain;
Who pays that we might be ransomed;
Who substitutes that we might be forgiven;
Who declares us righteous though we are not!
If we choose to live we die.
If we seek ourselves, we lose our souls.
If we serve our desires, we lose our hearts.
As we hold, we lose,
As we take, we weep,
As we lash out, we hurt ourselves,
As we worry, we fear,
As we strive, we miss,
As we serve ourselves, we become lonely,
As we become rich, we become poor,
And as we find ease, we find emptiness.
But if like you we die, then we live,
As we give, then we get,
As we suffer, we find joy,
As we serve, we find purpose,
As we forgive, we find peace,
As we submit, we find freedom,
As we live outwardly, we find inner healing,
As we pray, we are protected.
Father in the light of the cross give us
your Spirit.
Change us to
Sow love where there is hatred;
Peace where there is war;
Grace where there is hurt;
Faith where there is doubt;
Hope where there is despair;
Light where there is darkness;
Joy where there is sadness;
And life where there is death.