Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Easter - Resurrection - John 20

Thank you that it is true.
And that it changes everything forever.
Thank you that we can live by believing that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God.
Please may today be the watershed moment where the cross and resurrection become embedded in our souls; 
And our hearts turned from fence-sitting mediocrity to radical love for you.

Monday, 26 March 2018

Easter - John 19:23-42

The eternal dies;
The omnipotent is emptied;
The omnipresent is no more;
The omniscient is unknowing;
The immortal dies;
For us!

Easter - John 18:28-19:22

Our Father,
I have crucified the king;
But I do not feel the weight of my offence.
I have not recognised his majesty.
I have not expected his return.
Father have mercy on me.
Christ have mercy on me.
Spirit have mercy on me.
I declare that Jesus is king.
May that be truth to me; not meaningless words.
Take my thoughts captive under your rule.
May my speech be seasoned by his authority.
May my heart be submissive to him alone.
And may my actions sing of my crucified king.

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Deuteronomy 11:1-32

May we consider your discipline.
May we remember your greatness, your mighty hand and your outstretched arm.
May we marvel in your deeds of salvation and your deeds of severity.
May we keep your commandments and in so doing experience your strength and your blessing.
Keep us from being deceived and turning aside to other gods.
May we lay up your words in our hearts that our days may be long.
May we be careful to do your commands, 
   Loving you,
   Walking in your ways,
   And holding fast to you;
As we experience your blessing.

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Deuteronomy 10:12-11:1 and Revelation 3:14-22

The Fence Sitter's Prayer
Father it is true,
I am neither hot nor cold.
My heart is tepid;
Positively disposed to you;
Even a little in love with you;
But reticent to sacrifice;
Cautious to trust;
Slow to remember;
And unwilling to commit.
I am wretched, pitiful, poor, naked and blind.
Cover my nakedness;
Refine my heart;
Open my eyes;
Wash me clean;
Rebuke me;
Discipline me;
And rescue me.
I repent and I open the door for you to come in!

Friday, 9 March 2018

Deuteronomy 9:1-10:11

Father, it is easy to forget that we are wicked, stubborn, rebellious and corrupt. 
We have provoked you, turned aside quickly and done what is evil.
We have not believed and we have not obeyed;
Instead we have constructed an idol to satisfy our hearts.
We have become proud and self-sufficient,
When we are made to be dependent, loved, righteous, upright 
and in covenant relationship with you. 
Keep us remembering who we are.
Dependent on your mediation.
Humble and close to you;
Our Saviour and our Lord.