Thursday, 28 June 2018

Lived In and Loved Up

Our Father
We pray that your Spirit would empower us.
We pray that your Son would indwell us.
We pray that we might be rooted and cemented in love.
We pray that we might comprehend your love.
We pray that we might be filled up to the fullness of God.
We commit ourselves to you, knowing that you can change us more than we can ever ask or imagine.
To you be the glory for ever and ever.

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Amazing God, Amazing Plan

You have included the gentiles;
Made us fellow heirs;
Members of and sharers in the promises of Christ Jesus.
You have shown us your wisdom and plan in the church,
According to your eternal purposes in Christ Jesus.
May we not lose heart over our suffering, the suffering of the church, and the suffering of your heralds.
May we believe in the church, love the church and live for your bride.
Ever thankful of your mercy to us in Christ

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Father's Day Prayer

Our loving heavenly father
You model real fatherhood
By your leadership,
Your service,
Your love,
Your commitment to truth,
Your holiness,
Your grace,
Your commitment,
Your suffering,
And your forgiveness.

We pray for the men of our world
To embrace fatherhood,
To grow in its challenges,
To be worth emulating,
Men, who live God-fearing lives.

May Christ be their all,
May God be their direction,
May grace be their example,
May loyalty be their medal,
And holiness shine from their words,
May they serve, and love, and lead as does Christ our Lord for us,
Dying to themselves that others may truly live.

Included - Ephesians 2:11-22

Father of peace,
You have created reconciliation,
And given us access.
You have broken the dividing wall of hostility,
You have abolished the law and commandments;
So that we who were
Uncircumcised, separated, alienated, strangers, without hope and without God,
Might be reconciled,
Given access,
Made citizens,
And members of your household.
Built into the growing structure,
To be your dwelling place,
By the blood of Christ.
We worship you for our inclusion.

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

God made us alive - Ephesians 2:1-10

We were dead, 
Locked in sin,
Following Satan,
Captured by our passions,
Prisoner to our desires,
Objects of wrath.
But God
Rich in mercy,
Driven by love,
Made us alive.
Together with Christ,
Raised us up,
Seated us in honour,
Saved us by grace,
As a gift,
Gained by faith.

Friday, 1 June 2018

That you may know - Ephesians 1:15-23

Father you are uniting all things in Christ,
You give to us faith in Jesus,
And love for the saints.
Give us your Spirit,
Give us wisdom,
Give us revelation/light,
That we may know you!
Open our eyes,
Open our hearts,
To know the hope to which you have called us,
The riches of your glorious inheritance,
And the greatness of your power for us;
Shown in the resurrection, ascension, exaltation and rule of Jesus.