Tuesday, 29 October 2019

The God of my Heart

We long to hear the word of commendation that you have for the widow,
But our hearts are like the rich young man we love our wealth.
Our eyes see into eternity only dimly.
But we are enthralled by the lure of this world.
Forgive us.
And change us.
Without your Spirit doing a sovereign work in our hearts we are doomed.
Grow in us a heart of grace, turned outwards, loving you more than loving our comforts;
And seeing others as people made in your image.

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Human Sexuality

Father in a world charged by sexual confusion and the trauma that this leaves behind;
Clarify our thinking.
Purify our motives.
Control our lusts.
Remind us of our freedoms.
Give us the joy of lasting permanent relationships 
That reflect your glory and your commitment to us.

Thursday, 10 October 2019

Seeing vs Sight: John 9:1-41

Father, your Son is the light of the world
Shine your light into the darkest recesses of our hearts that we may see the Son,
That we may believe in the Son of Man.
Make us who are blind to our blindness, see
Even as you make those who appear to see, blind.

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Which rules must I keep?

Leviticus 19:19-37; Romans 7:1-6

Father your Son died to the law and in his death we have died too.
We no longer belong to sin.
Now we belong to you so that we might bear fruit for you.
Thank you that we are released from the bondage of law.
To serve in the new way of the Spirit.
Oh make us fruitful!!

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Light in a Dark Place - John 8:12

Thank you that Jesus is the light in a world of night.
Though we walk in the darkness of death
You offer us the light of life.
May we flee to the light.
  Seek the light
  Love the light
  Live by the light
And let light shine from us

O God, I want light. My life is darkness.
Forgive me for living a life as if you are not there
Forgive my rebellion and wickedness
Give me light.
Give me life.
Give me Jesus.
Give me your Holy Spirit.
Give me eternity with you.