Thursday, 15 February 2024

Nehemiah 11,12

Father we thank you that though we don’t see it, you are inexorably moving history towards the fulfilment of your promises.

We look forward to the day of complete fulfilment when your people will stand before you as your sons and daughters.

We look forward to the day when the first heaven and the first earth will be distant memories and chaos will be removed.

We look forward to the day when we will dwell with you as your people; to the day when you will be our God totally and completely not partially and superficially as we are so often guilty of today.

We long for that day when you will wipe our tears; and when death and pain will be no more.

May we live straining forward, longing for that day, full of mercy, sharing Christ.

We say with all of creation, “Come Lord Jesus come!”
