Father you have given Jesus all things He uses his authority to serve us in his
death Oh may that attitude be ours, may it
permeate our thinking and flow from us Give us joy in service And bless us we pray Amen
Our Father We have eaten the bread of betrayal and lifted our heel
against you. We have stood at the fire and denied that we ever knew Jesus. Forgive us Strengthen us Restore us. May we receive the ones you have sent May we receive your Son May we receive you. May we never again betray you. Keep us from the night. Amen
Father, Help me to listen to you. Help me to love you. Help me to overflow with you. Inhabit my hands and my eyes. Inhabit my home and my speaking May I never forget you in the blessings you
provide. Instead turn my self-love into God love. Amen
Our Heavenly Father Your love for us is steadfast You have given us your Beloved Son Enable us to hear him To trust what he says To listen to him To do what he calls us to do Amen