Thursday, 27 February 2025

The Holy Spirit, Sin, Truth and lots of other stuff

 John 16:4b-15

Our Father
Thank you that Jesus is ascended and that the Spirit of Truth has come
We pray for him to convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment
I pray for him to convict me of sin, righteousness and judgment
Forgive us for not being earnest about sin
Forgive us for trying to do the work of the Spirit ourselves
Thank you that you have given us truth in your Son
And that we can know your son through your word
May we seek after him with all our hearts and souls

Thursday, 20 February 2025

Hate. Love. Chosen, the Holy Spirit and lots of other stuff

 John 15:18-16:4a

Our Father,
It astonishes us that the world would hate you and your Son.
We are also surprised when the world hates us.
Keep us from falling away.
Keep us strong in the face of hatred.
Ever remembering your warnings.
Seeking to bear witness for you.
And straining forward to the day when we will be with you for all eternity

Thursday, 13 February 2025

Full Joy

John 15:1-17 

Our Father,
Keep us in your Son.
Prune us,
Don’t cut us off.
May we bear abundant fruit for you.
Keep us abiding when we have little strength.
Give us the courage to ask boldly
That you may be glorified.
May we keep your commandments
Especially the command to love.
May we be defined by love.
May we be a people of love.
May full joy be in us.
May we marvel that your son calls us friend.
And has chosen us to bear abiding fruit

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Overcoming Trouble and Fear

John 14:15-31

Our Father,
We marvel that you would deign to dwell with us and in us through your Spirit.
Thank you that as a result we can live.
May our love for you bubble out of us
May our love for each other bubble out of us
May our love for the lost bubble out of us
May our love for the world bubble out of us
Thank you for the peace that you give which is made possible through your presence.
In Christ’s name we pray.